Fujinon UA46x9.5 BERD-U1 4K Lens with SS-15D Full Servo Remotes Kit, Support and Case
2 Units in Stock
Complete with Full Servo Remotes, Fujinon Support and Case
The UA46x9.5 covers a focal length from 9.5mm to a high magnification of 437mm, making it the world's widest angle lens in its class.
The UA46x9.5BERD-U1 2/3" ENG 4K Lens from Fujinon is a wider 9.5-437mm zoom lens offering 4K capture in a portable broadcast form. Its high 46x zoom ratio doubles to 19-874mm when you engage its motorized 2x extender. The digital-servo UA46x9.5BERD-U1 features a fast f/2 maximum aperture, cutting-edge optical design
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